Step 1

In this step you have to identify a goal or commitment that, in your view, would lead to an improvement in your life – in whatever way you want to define that. It should be a single goal and preferably is something that excites you personally as well as enabling you to be more effective in some way. It should NOT be something technical or something that you can learn. Rather it should involve your own growth as a person.

Probably the best way to complete the task is to complete the sentence:

“I am committed to ….”

The commitment should be to something that you genuinely want – not something that you think you should have. It should also represent something that is not, at the moment, fully realised. The impact of this process is in direct proportion to how important the commitment you choose is to you: ideally it should be something you are passionate about and know you have to address.

Here are some examples of commitments that other people have come up with:

.. being more honest with myself and others
.. being more caring for my partner
.. being less critical

Write down your own commitment

Next (Step 2)

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